Contact us
Email: Customer Service
(413) 436-7711
413-436-5605 (Navy/Military)
704-291-2049 (Industrial/Commercial Marine Purchase Orders)
Postal Mail
CIRCOR Naval Solutions, LLC
Bridges Avenue
P.O. Box 969
MA 01083-0969
Directions: From
Bradley International Airport
Airport – follow signs for I-91
Take I-91 North to Springfield
Exit @ I-291 and follow to Mass Pike (I-90)
Take Mass Pike East (toward Worcester & Boston)
Take Palmer Exit (Exit 8)
From Toll Booth turn right and proceed to 1st
traffic light
Turn Left (Route 20)
At intersection of Rt. 67 & Rt. 20, Bear Right on Rt. 67
Follow Rt. 67 through West Warren (Traffic Light)
Proceed through town (short distance)
Turn left (along stone wall) just before railroad overpass
West on Rt. 20 to Brimfield
Turn Right on Rt. 19 (North)
Follow Rt. 19 to Warren
As you drive down hill, you will see town in front of you
The road curves to the right (railroad tracks on left)
Take 1st left (under railroad tracks)
Proceed to Main St. (short distance)
Turn Right (Main St./Rt. 67)
Proceed through town (short distance)
Turn Left (along stone wall) just before railroad overpass
I-290 West to I-90 (Mass Pike) West
Exit @ Hartford – NYC – Sturbridge
(Exit 9)
From Tolls follow signs for Sturbridge and Rt. 20 West
Proceed West on Rt. 20 to Brimfield
Turn Right on Rt. 19 (North)
Follow Rt. 19 to Warren
As you drive down hill, you will see town in front of you
The road curves to the right (railroad tracks on left)
Take 1st left (under railroad tracks)
Proceed to Main St. (short distance)
Turn Right (Main St./Rt. 67)
Proceed through town (short distance)
Turn Left (along stone wall) just before railroad overpass
(Mass Pike) West Exit @ Hartford – NYC – Sturbridge
(Exit 9)
From Tolls follow signs for Sturbridge and Rt. 20 West
Proceed West on Rt. 20 to Brimfield
Turn Right on Rt. 19 (North)
Follow Rt. 19 to Warren
As you drive down hill, you will see town in front of you
The road curves to the right (railroad tracks on left)
Take 1st left (under railroad tracks)
Proceed to Main St. (short distance)
Turn Right (Main St./Rt. 67)
Proceed through town (short distance)
Turn Left (along stone wall) just before railroad overpass